Hello. My name is Myah Hasan. I am a first year here at Agnes, as you could probably guess. I was born in Miami, Florida, a place that I have since never returned to, to my dismay. I’ve been longing to visit my birth city for years now but have never gotten the chance. When I was about 1 we moved to Georgia and I’ve lived here ever since. For about half of my life we lived in Norcross, then my brother was born so hence, we moved out to Buford. I have always been a very playful and considerate person. I love to laugh, be lively and make jokes, but sometimes when the mood is right I engage in somber and pondering thoughts. I would consider myself to be a hardworking person, and I enjoy working in groups. However, I do know when the time is right and wrong for me to be serious and get things done. I have been regarded as highly intelligent, and I appreciate that I often enjoy studying and working, and I always crave more. I like to sleep a lot, and when I don’t get enough sleep my mood suffers and it is definitely noticeable, however, I try not to let it ruin my days. I am a pianist, and have been for 6 years so far. Next year in April it will be seven. I actually went on a few months hiatus at the beginning of quarantine. I felt that I had no inspiration to play or make music, since being locked indoors had drained me of happiness. Since school has started back up I’ve been feeling more inclined to play, thus I have gotten back into rhythm. I missed playing. I want to become a really good pianist, and everyday I am inspired by one of my previous piano teachers. She was always so encouraging and pushed me to do my best. I am also interested in science. I enjoy physics thoroughly, and biology is another favorite of mine. I like learning about earth systems, biological processes, and nature. I would like to major in biology, as I want to become a doctor. I have admired my doctor and what she has done ever since I was little. I want to do a medical internship when the pandemic is over and I have some years of scientific and medical expertise on my back. I think it would be good for me. One final thing I want you to know is that I am a huge advocate for ethical movements such as Black Lives Matter. Being black, it’s a very important movement for me. Seeing my brothers and sisters everyday get attacked for skin color is disheartening. It makes me view the world with contempt, but I always try to believe there is a good side to people. However, sometimes it’s very, very hard to see through acts of hatred.